Schlagwort-Archive: image

Comparing Germans and Britons

Another week nearly over…. The LINGUA FRANCA Sprachschule blog hopes you have a wonderful weekend!

How does the life of your average German compare to that of your average Briton? Have a look at the infographic from the ZEIT ONLINE below. Does anything surprise you? Are there other statistics you would like to see on this list?

English mistakes from around the world

As English has established itself as the world’s lingua franca (Verkehrssprache), more and more non-native speakers use English to communicate information to people who do not share their native language.

The results are sometimes interesting – from the plain wrong to the truly weird. Please enjoy the examples below (clicking on some images will take you to more examples) and feel free to add more of your own in the comments below.

English Language Wizard - Funny mistakes in English www.englishlanguagewizard.comLanguages Wizards, Funny Signs, Funny Pictures, Funny Mistakes, Funny Stuff, Royal Foodwear, English Languages, Funny Pin, Spelling Mistakes

English Language Wizard - Funny mistakes in English www.englishlanguagewizard.comFwunni Chinglish, Carpe Eggs, English Lessons, English Language, Eggs Maybe, Menu Items, Meant Crabs, Crap Eggs, The Roller Coasters

English Language Wizard - Funny mistakes in English www.englishlanguagewizard.comThat, Funny Hilarious, Funny Translation, English Mistakes, Funny English, Funny Signsadsproduct, English Language, Funny Mistakes, Funny Stuff  Tread lightly: Chinese people are known for their modesty but who would have guessed even the grass is ashamed to smile?

Map of Rude UK Place Names

Something a little lighter before the weekend? The LINGUA FRANCA Sprachschule blog is proud to present a map of all the somewhat rude place names in the UK. And there are a lot. From Two Butt Lane and Bushygap to Idle Dick Wood and Shitlington Hall. An absolute delight. Click the map for (many) more images. Post your favourite in the comments below!

The UK is full of rude place names. The North-West has a Two Butt Lane and a Pincock, while Yorkshire is arguably worse, boasting an Upperthong.

e.g. is NOT the same as i.e.

Today the LINGUA FRANCA Sprachschule blog is dealing with an issue that is as big a problem for native speakers as it is for English learners – the difference (and there definitely is one!) between e.g. and i.e.

e.g. is the short form of the Latin phrase „exemplī grātiā“, meaning „for the sake of example“. It is used when you list some examples of what you have just stated. In spoken language, you normally just say „for example“. The German equivalent is z.B.- zum Beispiel

i.e. is the short form for the Latin phrase „id est“, meaning „that is“. It is used when you want to clarify what you have stated by putting it in other words, i.e. rephrasing for the sake of clarity (see what I did there?). When you are speaking, you usually just say „that is“. The German equivalent is d.h. – das heißt

If you want some more details and examples, all in colourful comic form, have a look at:

When to use i.e. in a sentence