Podcast Recommendation 3 – Is Learning A Foreign Language Really Worth It?

For this edition of Podcast Recommendations the LINGUA FRANCA Sprachschule blog is presenting an episode from the Freakonomics Podcast series. This podcast is created by Steven D. Levitt, an economist and Stephen J. Dubner, a writer – and together they present economic and statistical analyses of rather unusual subjects – if you have ever wondered about the economics of being a vampire or how much money you lose over a lifetime by being ugly, then this is the podcast for you.

Is learning a foreign language really worth it? (3/5/14)
Freakonomics LogoThis episode examines the various costs and benefits involved with learning a foreign language, and attempts to answer the question – is it really worth it? Best suited to B2- and higher students – lower levels can follow the audio using the transcript found at the bottom of the page at the link above.

If you enjoyed this podcast and have any questions or comments – please join the discussion in the comments section of this post!

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