Schlagwort-Archive: podcast

Podcast Recommendation 4 – Serial

Have a little time this weekend? Why not have a listen to the latest podcast recommendation from the LINGUA FRANCA Sprachschule blog.

It’s the podcast that has broken every record and that everybody is talking about – a real international phenomenon. Serial presents the story of a murder over multiple episodes – but the story is real. Each Thursday a new episode is released, and the makers are only an episode ahead of the audience, meaning even they don’t know how it will end. The English in the recordings is quite difficult, so this podcast is recommended for B2 level students and higher. The makers of the podcast have said they hope to publish transcripts of the podcast in the future, so lower level students might still get a chance to follow this fascinating story.

Episode 1
The Alibi

It’s Baltimore, 1999. Hae Min Lee, a popular high-school senior, disappears after school one day. Six weeks later detectives arrest her classmate and ex-boyfriend, Adnan Syed, for her murder. He says he’s innocent – though he can’t exactly remember what he was doing on that January afternoon. But someone can. A classmate at Woodlawn High School says she knows where Adnan was. The trouble is, she’s nowhere to be found.

What is a podcast?

Podcast Recommendation 3 – Is Learning A Foreign Language Really Worth It?

For this edition of Podcast Recommendations the LINGUA FRANCA Sprachschule blog is presenting an episode from the Freakonomics Podcast series. This podcast is created by Steven D. Levitt, an economist and Stephen J. Dubner, a writer – and together they present economic and statistical analyses of rather unusual subjects – if you have ever wondered about the economics of being a vampire or how much money you lose over a lifetime by being ugly, then this is the podcast for you.

Is learning a foreign language really worth it? (3/5/14)
Freakonomics LogoThis episode examines the various costs and benefits involved with learning a foreign language, and attempts to answer the question – is it really worth it? Best suited to B2- and higher students – lower levels can follow the audio using the transcript found at the bottom of the page at the link above.

If you enjoyed this podcast and have any questions or comments – please join the discussion in the comments section of this post!

What is a podcast?


Podcast Recommendation 2 – How Quickly Can You Learn English?

This edition of „Podcast Recommendation“ presents the BBC’s 6 Minute English podcast, a long-running series of topical discussion and new vocabulary.

BBC – 6 Minute English6 Minute English
How Quickly Can You Learn English? (this link will take you to the 6 Minute English website. There you can find the audio as well as some vocabulary and a transcript)
Are you looking for some tips to help you improve your English? Learn some new techniques with Rob and Finn in this episode of 6 Minute English. Best suited to B1 and higher students – lower levels can follow the audio using the transcript found at the link above.

What is a podcast? Simply, it’s like a radio show you can download to your computer / MP3 player / smartphone etc. and listen to whenever you want. There are many options for downloading and listening to podcasts. Most will let you download or listen to individual episodes directly from their website. If you want to subscribe, iTunes (PC and Apple devices – use the iTunes Store to find your podcast) is the most popular, while Podkicker Podcast Player is one of many good options for Android.

Podcast Recommendation 1 – Raising Money to Fight Ebola

On occasion, the LINGUA FRANCA blog will now be recommending podcasts for you to listen to. They will cover many topics and levels of English.

What is a podcast? Simply, it’s like a radio show you can download to your computer / MP3 player / smartphone etc. and listen to whenever you want. There are many options for downloading and listening to podcasts. Most will let you download or listen to individual episodes directly from their website. If you want to subscribe, iTunes (PC and Apple devices – use the iTunes Store to find your podcast) is the most popular, while Podkicker Podcast Player is one of many good options for Android.

The first podcast comes from the NPR: Planet Money series. It looks at the difficulties involved in raising money to fight Ebola. It is best suited to students with a B1+ level and higher.

NPR: Planet Money Podcast
Episode 571: Why Raising Money For Ebola Is Hard
On today’s show, the psychology of giving. Charities raised $1.4 billion to help rebuild Haiti after the earthquake. But when something like Ebola happens, so far, people look the other way.